Christian School
Your child deserves a quality Christian education. We provide a wholesome, safe, loving Christian environment to help each child reach their God-given potential. We integrate Christian faith throughout our programs and courses of study, which lays a solid foundation of a Christian worldview, giving young scholars the life skills they need to succeed in any environment.
From Kindergarten through twelfth grade, your child will spend about 16,000 hours in the classroom. This time represents only a tiny fraction of the training they need to thrive. Now parents have a choice where their child spends that time. In addition to the core curriculum, our children can receive Christian values during the school day with the new Tennessee E.S.A. school-choice K-12 education options.
At Word of Faith Christian Academy, first, we pray daily, acknowledging God in everything we do. Also, we teach students how to acknowledge God first as a foundational truth. There is no such thing as a “value-neutral”- education. Gordon Clark, a Christian philosopher and theologian, said, “The school system that ignores God teaches its pupils to ignore God.”
Word of Faith Christian Academy offers a balanced, affordable, high-quality Christian, value-laden education. We are preparing our students for college and life.

Pre-Registration and Registration
Pre-registration begins each year in April. Registration for the school term starts in May and is open until classes fill. Parents of all students who have been enrolled must attend Orientation. Our first day of class is usually the second week in July.
School Hours
Word of Faith Christian Academy’s school hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
We consider applicants based on aptitude, achievement, recommendations, previous report cards, and testing results. A student’s previous educational records, behavioral patterns, and personal interviews with the student and parents are all considered in the acceptance process. Applicants must have satisfactory conduct and a C average on his/her report card
for the year-end-average. They must be at or near grade level on a valid national standardized achievement test. We may grant probationary admission status for any applicant functioning beneath their chronological age, has academic deficiencies, and has demonstrated unsatisfactory conduct. The school board determines these probationary considerations for admission.
Student Records and Transcripts
Students entering Kindergarten must be five on or before August 15. However, students may be admitted based on the maturity test results. Parents or Guardians must provide the following documented information in order for registration to be complete: Certified Birth certificate, Immunization/Medical Record, and Social Security card. Students transferring from another school must provide a report card and transcript from his/her previous school. Our admission office will generally request any additional records needed from the previous school that the student attended.
All subjects and course content are based on the Christian philosophy of the school. We offer accelerated programs for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, elementary, and secondary grades. The Academy also offers remediation, ensuring that no child ever gets left behind. We are committed to working with each child to help them reach their God-given potential.
The Academy uses the ABEKA Curriculum, as well as other college preparatory materials, that are state-approved. While we offer a challenging academic program for each student, this is combined with a spiritual emphasis, which includes training in self-worth, dignity, and God-given purpose. The curriculum we offer covers all core subjects, including Bible,
Science, Social Studies/History, Math, English, Personal Finance, Health, Physical Education, Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Foreign Language, and electives.
Tuition Fees
Pre-K3-4 – $4700
K5-5TH – $5725
6th-8th – $6014
9th-12th- $6322
Additional fees required are for textbooks, uniforms, laptops, lab equipment, and extracurricular activities.
Registration: Fee:
$75.00 non-fundable nor transferable
Childcare Fee:
6 weeks – 14 months: $125.00
15 months – 23 months: $110.00
24 months – months: $105.00
All infant and childcare children must have the following information at the time of registration: Certified Birth Certificates, State Immunization Certificates ( must be current), and Social Security Card.
We accept DHS, and other childcare programs. Discounts are available for families with 2 or more children enrolled.
HOURS: The Infant and Childcare Center is open five days a week from 7:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.
For more information, please go to: