About Us
Our Vision

What We Believe and Teach:

Dr. Gene Crockett
Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher
Apostle Gene Crockett, a native Memphian received his early education in the Memphis Public School System and attended State Technical Institute of Memphis. During his enlistment with the Air Force, he attended the University of Maryland. He received his Bachelor and Master of Theology from Inner City Seminary, New Orleans, LA, his Doctor of Divinity from Cornerstone Theological Seminary, Baytown, TX, and his Doctor of Ministries and PH.D. from FICU, Merced, CA. Dr. Crockett also attended Harding Academy’s School of Religion, in Memphis, TN, where he did an intense study of Greek.
Dr. Crockett, an Air Force retiree, was called into ministry while serving his country in the United States Air Force. His loyalty and patriotism for his country led him to serve honorably for more than twenty years. Upon his return to Memphis, Tennessee, Dr. Crockett formed the Word of Deliverance Faith Ministries, a non-denominational Christian organization in 1979. It was founded upon the principles of God’s Word. This multi-faceted ministry under his direction, launched out into a world-wide ministry.
Dr. Gene Crockett founded Garden of Prayer Tabernacle of Deliverance Church which became a viable and growing ministry in North Memphis. The name was later changed to Word of Faith Christian Center. He was truly a “Pastor,” a true shepherd, one who was called after God’s own heart to feed the His people with knowledge and understanding. Dr. Crockett’s love and steadfast devotion to God and His people have commanded the attention of multitudes throughout this nation and around the world. Political and community leaders have likewise joined in to salute this great leader and man of God, who for more than fifty years devoted his life to ministry in the Kingdom of God.
Dr. Crockett was founder of Word of Faith Christian Academy/Childcare Center and Associated Christians Theological Seminary (ACTS). Word of Faith Christian Academy and Childcare Center offered to thousands of children throughout the mid-south area excellent academics in a loving, nurturing environment. Associated Christians Theological Seminary trained men and women in Ministry in the Kingdom of God. In addition, this multi-faceted ministry also offers hospital, elderly home, and prison outreach ministries.
Dr. Crockett was the founder of many ministerial alliances, his last endeavor was the Mid-South Five-Fold Ministerial Alliance (MFMA). His vision was to establish, maintain and unite a group of Mid-South Ministers who love the Lord and were willing to share their time, giftings, talents, resources, and love in an endeavor to reach, impact, and positively impact and influence the Mid-South for the Kingdom of God.
Because of his love of history and biblical studies, Dr. Crockett led and hosted many prayer mission/evangelistic tours to Israel, Egypt, Jamaica, Spain, Barbados and the continent of Australia.
His life’s journey had not been an easy one, but a necessary one. He endured the storms of life and came out of each one victoriously. Dr. Crockett defeated every enemy that tried to overtake him. Through the grace and goodness of God, he emerged triumphantly Satanic attacks proving that God’s Word works all the time and there is no time when God’s Word does not work! He was a living testament that when you obey God and walk in the ministry that you have been given to do, you will overcome any adversity. He also served as volunteer Chaplain for Baptist Memorial Hospital in Collierville, TN. Dr. Crockett continued to preach, teach and serve God’s people until his homegoing January 25, 2011.
Dr. Gene Crockett, has blessed the lives of multiple thousands of people all over the world, and for all his many accomplishments and contributions told and untold, he would say “To God be the Glory.” Above all else, his words for his sons and daughters were always, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” (III John 3:4)

Dr. Jacqueline A. Crockett
Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher
Dr. Jacqueline A. Crockett, a Native Memphian, is Senior Pastor of Word of Deliverance Faith Ministries Int’l, Word of Faith Christian Center-City of Life, Word of Faith Christian Childcare Center and Word of Faith Christian Academy, Inc., in Memphis, Tennessee. She currently serves as C.E.O. of Word of Deliverance Faith Ministries, Inc. She is a motivational speaker, author, poet, songwriter, and advocate for education and school choice. She holds a B.A. in Business Administration, a M.A. in Church Administration, and a Doctorate in Ministry. Her life’s mission has been to establish, build, and maintain in Memphis, Tennessee a City of Life for all people to come, to be taught the truth of God’s Word, to walk in the conscious realization of their real identity in Christ, to know and understand their relationship with our Father, and to share in the resources that belong to us all.
Dr. Crockett is a gift to the Body of Christ, with a heart for leading God’s people with compassion. As an innovator in education, she co-founded one of the first African American private Christian schools in the Memphis community. Dr. Crockett remains influential nationally and internationally through her work in ministry, education and the arts. Dr. J, as she is affectionately known, gives credence to Horace Mann’s statement that, “Education, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men, the balance-wheel of the social machinery”. Remaining steadfast in her conviction that our people perish for lack of knowledge; she remains at the forefront of reformation, and groundbreaking educational initiatives. She diligently teaches people of all ages that education that acknowledges God first is the answer to a successful life.
Visionary thinking has instilled a strong conviction in the heart of Dr. J, and she strongly believes that time spent on children appearing to be lost, or unreachable is not time wasted; but rather a potential investment into a future leader. During her tenure in corporate management she successfully integrated her administrative management training, data entry and processing skills into classroom lessons. As a critical thinker and leader, she helps thousands of students with college preparation and job placement. She is helping to raise graduation rates of those students in urban environments plagued by teen pregnancy, youth violence, truancy, and delinquency.
She works tirelessly teaching God’s people the truth of their real identity. She shows them from the Word of God that they are created in God’s image and likeness and are carriers of His Divine purpose and destiny. She works with young people training them on preparing impressive resumes, completing job applications, and interviewing skills, to better market themselves to potential employers. She teaches them to become vital members of society, and critical thinkers. Dr. Jacqueline A. Crockett, always willing to think outside of the box, carries the wisdom and insight of over forty years of ministerial and educational excellence. To date, she remains committed to the betterment of God’s people worldwide.